Cele mai tari replici din filme!

de Ştefan Dobroiu în 24 Iun 2011

În 2005, Institutul American de Film, care publică frecvent liste de "Cele mai bune" (comedii, drame, thrillere, etc), a lansat provocarea unui număr imens de critici, actori şi personalităţi ale lumii filmului: alegerea celor mai bune 100 de replici din filme. Noi ne-am gândit să le trecem în revistă doar pe cele din ultimele două decenii, pentru că filmele respective sunt mai proaspete în memoria cititorilor noştri.

Dacă vrei să vezi tot clasamentul celor 100 de replici, dă o căutare pe google după "AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes".

Poţi vedea mai jos cele mai populare replici din ultimele două decenii. Spune-ne favorita ta!


Părerea ta

Spune-ţi părerea
Godspeed pe 24 iunie 2011 09:52
"I have a bad feeling about this "(doar una din trilogia Star wars) detroneaza jumate din topul prezentat de cinemagia.bineinteles ca lista e mare, dar ce ati pus voi acolo e zero barat
Plume pe 14 iulie 2011 15:02
ironic cum n-am auzit niciodata de replica aia, dar pe toate celelalte din top le stiu.... ce chestie.
spanac2015 pe 3 noiembrie 2011 09:16
aia cu "I See Dead People" a facut senzatie ...a fost parodiata de "x" ori
Manusa pe 24 iunie 2011 10:12
Hasta la vista, baby din Terminator si My precious... sunt dupa mine cele mai tari si mai populare replici.
allecs1112 pe 24 iunie 2011 10:14
replicile nu au fost alese pe baza criteriilor celor de la cinemagia...sau ale lui stefan dobroiu...ele au fost selectate dintr-un top 100...si nici macar selectia nu a fost subiectiva....au fost luate toate replicile din ultimele 2 decenii care existau in acel top...
oricum iti inteleg nemultumirea...nu mi se pare un top foarte bun....sunt multe alte replici mai bune

wildinthecountry pe 24 iunie 2011 10:15
Ati uitat multe replici celebre
1. De Niro din Taxi Driver : You talkin' to me ?
2. Pacino din Dog Day Afternoon : Attica ! Attica !
3. Sylvester Stallone din Rocky : Yo Adrian !
4. Jack Nicholson in Shining : Here's Johnny !
5. Al Pacino in Scarface : Say hello to my little friend !
6. Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry : "You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"
7. Marlon Brando in The Godfather : "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."
8.Harrison Ford in Star Wars : May the force be with you !
9 .Replica din finalul filmului Heat cu De niro si Pacino ..replica lui De Niro : I told you I'm never going back !

kakapiciu pe 24 iunie 2011 10:26
Hasta la vista, baby! Am vazut filmul de doua ori si numai faza asta imi amintesc din el.
Iulia pe 24 iunie 2011 10:38
Ati uitat si de de: "My name is Bond, James Bond". E printre cele mai populare.
Han_Solo pe 24 iunie 2011 10:43
"luke i'm your father" alaturi de "hasta la vista baby" si "i'l be back" sunt probabil cele mai cunoscute si populare replici din filme. Ar mai fi si "my precious" insa dupa parerea mea, cunoscuta mai mult in randul persoanelor mai tinere sau ale celor care petrec mai mult timp pe net.
cryvona pe 24 iunie 2011 10:55
Sa nu uitam nici replicile ca:

1. 'But not today, not today!'- Djimon Hounsou (Juba- din filmul "Gladiator") . Juba ii adreseaza aceasta replica lui Maximus in momentul in care acesta evita sa manance, crezand ca va fi otravit.
2." I see you"- Avatar

batmanfan pe 24 iunie 2011 11:00
I'll be back! ..tot Terminator parca
Vivian pe 24 iunie 2011 11:11
@cryvona - replica este, de fapt, "not yet, not yet" - discutia era despre momentul in care isi vor reintalni familiile in ceruri
diana pe 24 iunie 2011 11:32
sa nu uitam totusi si celebra replica din Pe aripile vantului : "Si maine e o zi..." - After all... tomorrow is another day....
WikdMovies pe 24 iunie 2011 11:34
Replicile mele preferate: Scarface - ,,Say hello to my little friend!'' si una din multele replici din filmele Chronicles of Riddick - ,,I'll kill you with my tea cup!''
Adi M pe 24 iunie 2011 11:35
wildinthecountry si restul au dreptate, sunt n'shpe mii de fraze celebre... eu folosesc cate una din Pulp Fiction cel putin o data pe sapamana...

Un articol excelent

Printesa_79 pe 24 iunie 2011 11:39
da...replici celebre cu adevarat!
ela pe 24 iunie 2011 11:59
si unde e renumita replica..."i'm bond,james baond"
ela pe 24 iunie 2011 12:00
ana pe 24 iunie 2011 12:11
1. hasta la vista baby
2. my precios
3. i'm bond...james bond

Chelbos pe 24 iunie 2011 12:11
corect. replica lui james bond este cea mai celebra. "i'm bond. james bond"
3DG4ever pe 24 iunie 2011 12:18
O replica foarte buna si in Transformers ROTF
Optimus: "You'll never stop at one! I'll take you all on!" Urmat de o lupta epica.

criboscel pe 24 iunie 2011 12:19
era si un banc...cica james bond :i'm bond ,james bond
van dame:i'm dame,van dame,caude van dame,jean claude van dame!!!

bloodthirst pe 24 iunie 2011 12:24
I see dead people, Terminator si My precious.
wildinthecountry pe 24 iunie 2011 12:31
Din filmul HEAT o replica mortala a lui Al Pacino: Cause she's got a great ass... and you got your head all the way up it! Ferocious, aren't I? When I think of asses, a woman's ass, something comes out of me.
Sau intreaga scena din PULP FICTION de la final din restaurant dintre Jules si Pumpkin(Ringo) :
There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you." Now... I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, that meant your ass. You'd be dead right now. I never gave much thought to what it meant. I just thought it was a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice. See, now I'm thinking: maybe it means you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. 9mm here... he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could mean you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. And I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.
Sau alta secventa din Pulp Fiction la inceputul filmului dintre Jules si Brett :
My name's Pitt. And your ass ain't talkin' your way out of this shit.
Brett: No, no, I just want you to know... I just want you to know how sorry we are that things got so fucked up with us and Mr. Wallace. We got into this thing with the best intentions and I never...
Jules: [Jules shoots the man on the couch] I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort. What does Marsellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: What country are you from?
Brett: What? What? Wh - ?
Jules: "What" ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What?
Brett: What?
Jules: English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
Brett: Yes! Yes!
Jules: Then you know what I'm sayin'!
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like!
Brett: What?
Jules: Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more Goddamn time!

Max pe 24 iunie 2011 12:31
si "Savvy?" sau "Captain! Captain Jack Sparrow" unde sunt?
Bayard pe 24 iunie 2011 12:45
Se pare ca destui nu catadicsesc sa citeasca nici macar SINGURUL paragraf de introducere. Este vorba doar de filme de dupa 1990.... dupa cum vedeti in top 100 replici faimoase doar 11 sunt in ultimele 2 decenii.... asa ca de ce criticati un articol foarte bun???? Toate replicile sunt faimoase... sunt de acord cu toate :) si au fost folosite si refolosite de foarte multe ori. Citind celelalte comentarii.... am vazut ca cineva a mentionat "I see you!" din Avatar si cred si eu ca are potentialul sa devina celebra, mai ales ca vin inca 2 filme.... insa ramane de vazut.

Pornind de la topul asta, am stat sa ma gandesc ce replici din filmele ultimilor ani ar putea intra in topul asta si sincer.... nu prea am gasit. Aici nu zic ca nu au fost replici memorabile, nici vorba... insa nu le vad propagandu-se in timp, dupa 1,2 ani deja totul e uitat. S-a cam schimbat lumea...

CINEFIL pe 24 iunie 2011 12:49
Şi o celebra replica a lui Vasile Nitulescu: Ocupati garile!
nascut_pentru_iubire pe 24 iunie 2011 12:57
ati uitat si replicile din filmele romanesti. Spre exemplu ,,Trandafire, ti s-au sclintit ochii Trandafire,,? din seria cu BD-ul sau ,,e curate fetele,, memorabiula replica a lui Dinica din ,,Crucea de piatra,, sau ,,doua beri doua,, rostita in seria cu Petrolul si ardelenii de Ilarion Ciobanu
wildinthecountry pe 24 iunie 2011 13:07
Daca ne gandim la replici celebre din utlimii 10-20 ani ar fi cam greu dar putem incerca.
Ar fi o replica din Brokeback Mountain cand Jake Gyllenhaal da replica: You have no idea how bad it gets.) I wish I knew how to quit you."
Sau o secventa din The Dark Knight cu Jokerul in prim-plan:"Want to know how I got these scars? My father was a drinker and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not one bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me, and he says: 'Why so serious?' He comes at me with the knife - 'Why so serious?!' He sticks the blade in my mouth. 'Let's put a smile on that face!' And why so serious?"
Sau atunci cand Jack Nicholson face un compliment personajului lui Helen Hunt in As Good As It Gets : "You make me want to be a better man.
Sau celebra replica a lui Joe Pesci din Goodfellas :
"What do you mean, I'm funny?...You mean the way I talk? What?...Funny how? I mean, what's funny about it?...But I'm funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to f--kin' amuse you? What do you mean, funny? Funny how? How'm I funny??...How the f--k am I funny? What the f--k is so funny about me? Tell me? Tell me what's funny!...
Sau replica comica a lui De Niro in Meet the parents : .I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?

AeroX pe 24 iunie 2011 13:12
Astea nu se pot numi cele mai "TARI" replici, ci doar cele mai faimoase!
Crist11 pe 24 iunie 2011 13:12
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Thrones si Titanic.
cristi23 pe 24 iunie 2011 13:18
in urma cu cativa ani am citit un articolexact la fel...............atunci cea mai tare replica era i'll be back...din terminatorul...sunt de parere ca si azi e cel mai tare
webr pe 24 iunie 2011 13:19
Spaceballs: "May the Schwartz be with you!!"..
wildinthecountry pe 24 iunie 2011 13:27
Nici nu mai vorbesc despre replicile geniale ale lui Bardem din No country for old men
O sa exemplific putin in cele ce urmeaza. 2 secvente mi-au placut.
Prima discutia dintre Anton Chigurh si proprietarul batran al benzinariei cand il lasa sa traiasca dand cu banul si proprietarul avand noroc.Discutia e geniala:
Anton chigurh: What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss.
Gas Station Proprietor: Sir?
Anton Chigurh: The most. You ever lost. On a coin toss.
Gas Station Proprietor: I don't know. I couldn't say.
[Chigurh flips a quarter from the change on the counter and covers it with his hand]
Anton Chigurh: Call it.
Gas Station Proprietor: Call it?
Anton Chigurh: Yes.
Gas Station Proprietor: For what?
Anton Chigurh: Just call it.
Gas Station Proprietor: Well, we need to know what we're calling it for here.
Anton Chigurh: You need to call it. I can't call it for you. It wouldn't be fair.
Gas Station Proprietor: I didn't put nothin' up.
Anton Chigurh: Yes, you did. You've been putting it up your whole life you just didn't know it. You know what date is on this coin?
Gas Station Proprietor: No.
Anton Chigurh: 1958. It's been traveling twenty-two years to get here. And now it's here. And it's either heads or tails. And you have to say. Call it.
Gas Station Proprietor: Look, I need to know what I stand to win.
Anton Chigurh: Everything.
Gas Station Proprietor: How's that?
Anton Chigurh: You stand to win everything. Call it.
Gas Station Proprietor: Alright. Heads then.
[Chigurh removes his hand, revealing the coin is indeed heads]
Anton Chigurh: Well done.
[the gas station proprietor nervously takes the quarter with the small pile of change he's apparently won while Chigurh starts out]
Anton Chigurh: Don't put it in your pocket, sir. Don't put it in your pocket. It's your lucky quarter.
Gas Station Proprietor: Where do you want me to put it?
Anton Chigurh: Anywhere not in your pocket. Where it'll get mixed in with the others and become just a coin. Which it is.
[Chigurh leaves and the gas station proprietor stares at him as he walks out]
Si a doua secventa este cu o doamna care nu vrea sa-i spuna unde este Moss si risca sa fie si ea omorata dar scapa si ea cu viata pe muchie de cutit..Imi place cand Anton Chigurh intreaba insistent :
Anton Chigurh: I'm looking for Llewelyn Moss.
Desert Aire Manager: Did you go up to his trailer?
Anton Chigurh: Yes, I did.
Desert Aire Manager: Well, I'd say he's at work. Do you want to leave a message?
Anton Chigurh: Where does he work?
Desert Aire Manager: I can't say.
Anton Chigurh: Where does he work?
Desert Aire Manager: Sir, I ain't at liberty to give out no information about our residents.
Anton Chigurh: Where does he work?
Desert Aire Manager: Did you not hear me? We can't give out no information.

BiGGeek pe 24 iunie 2011 13:28
Sa fim seriosi, multe dintre replicile enumerate mai sus nu vi le aduceti aminte nici voi, cei care postati articole pe cinemagia. Felicitari celor care au gasit replici cu adevarat interesante, si care au ramas in memoria tuturor, gen: My name is Bond... James Bond, I'll be back, May the force be with you! etc.
ren22 pe 6 iulie 2011 17:51
i'm Bond,James Bond,May the force be with you dar si I'm flaying,Jack! este foarte celebra~!
zeno.marin pe 24 iunie 2011 13:30
@StefanDo, nu te supara indraznesc sa spun asta pentru ca sunt in continuare convins ca ignori orice comentariu de-al meu. Cine stie, poate esti foarte ocupat sau replicile mele sunt mai iritante in opiia ta si nu merita atentia...
Fara cea mai mica umbra de malitiozitate, iti marturisesc ca ideea selectiei este foarte buna si extraordinar de generoasa (eventual chiar educativa sau asa ar trebui sa fie pentru multi), dar pana si eu care nu sunt un specialist ca tine puteam face o selectie mai buna. Nu exista filme celebre fara replici celebre, asa ca selectia se putea face chiar usor. Sper sa revii cu ceva mai relevant, pentru ca asemenea "extrase din pop-culture" sunt binevenite si pot fi repetate. |:-)

Uite, iti arunc o manusa (intr-un mod cavaleresc) si sper sa accepti provocarea: realizarea unei serii de mai multe episoade care sa cuprinda citate faimoase din...filme faimoase.

"Made it, Ma! Top of the world! ", "I love the smell of napalm in the morning"...

HarryCineastul3 pe 24 iunie 2011 13:57
................. replici faimoase, nu tari! una intradevar tare : "Bloody hell! Why we just can't follow butterflyes?!" Ronald Weasley Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets
shook_you pe 24 iunie 2011 14:05
"I see dead people" din The Sixth Sense e tare! sau mai este una cu acelasi copil in Pay it forward - "Is the world just shit?"
shook_you pe 24 iunie 2011 14:23
ohhh si sa nu uitam de "Live long and prosper"
SERGIU HURMUZ pe 24 iunie 2011 14:28
S-a mentionat in cateva comentarii celebra "BOND. JAMES BOND" si sunt complet de acord. Initial, nici nu ma gandisem la ea (culmea), dar chiar a intrat in istoria cinema-ului. Stiam ca SEAN a ramas cel mai bun JAMES BOND, insa eu prefer felul de a rosti al lui PIERCE (ascultati melodia lui MOBY, mai ales la inceput). Replici faimoase mai sunt, probabil, multe, insa eu mai amintesc doar 2 acum, 2 clasice: "Tomorrow is another day", din "GONE WITH THE WIND", precum si replica finala din "CASABLANCA".
octavinspector pe 24 iunie 2011 14:30
A. How much?
B. 69 cents
A. And the gas?
B. Y'all getting any rain up your way?
A. What way would that be?
B. I seen you was from Dallas.
A. What business is it of yours where I'm from, friendo?
B. I didn't mean nothing by it.
A. Didn't mean nothing.
B. Just passing my time.
B. If you don't wanna accept that I don't know what else I can do for you.
B. Will there be something else?
A. I don't know. Will there?
B. Is somethin wrong?
A. With what?
B. With anything?
A. Is that what you're asking me? Is there something wrong with anythning?
B. Will there be anything else?
A. You already asked me that.
B. Well... I need to see about closing.
A. See about closing.
B. Yes sir.
A. What time do you close?
B. Now. We close now.
A. Now is not a time.
A. What time do you close?
B. Generally around dark. At dark.
A. You don't know what you're talking about, do you?
B. Sir?
A. I said you don't know what you're talking about.
A. What time do you go to bed?
B. Sir?
A. You're a bit deaf, aren't you?
A. I said what time do you go to bed?
B. Somewhere around 9:30.
B. I'd say around 9:30.
A. I could come back then.
B. Why would you be coming back?
B. We'd be closed.
A. Yeah. You said that.
B. Well... I got to close now.
A. You live in that house out back?
B. Yes I do.
A. You lived here all your life?
B. This is my wife's father's place. Originally.
A. You married into it.
B. We lived in Temple Texas for many years. Raised a family there. In Temple.
B. We come out here about four years ago.
A. You married into it.
B. If that's the way yuo wanna put it.
A. I don't have some way to put it. That's the way it is.
A. What's the most you've ever lost is a coin toss?
B. Sir?
A. The most you ever lost is a coin toss.
B. I don't know I couldn't say.
A. Call it.
B. Call it?
A. Yes.
B. For what?
A. Just call it.
B. Well, we need to know what we're calling it for here.
A. You need to call it. I can't call it for you. It wouldn't be fair.
B. I didn't put nothing up.
A. Yes, you did. You've been putting it up your whole life. You just didn't know it.
A. You know what date is on this coin?
B. No.
A. 1958.
A. It's been traveling twenty-two years to get here.
A. And now it's here. And it's either heads or tails. And you have to say. Call it.
B. Look... I need to know what I stand to win.
A. Everything.
B. How's that?
A. You stand to win everything. Call it.
B. Alright. Heads then.
A. Well done.
A. Don't put it in your pocket.
B. Sir?
A. Don't put it in your pocket. It's your lucky quarter.
B. Where you want me to put it?
A. Anywhere not in your pocket.
A. Or it'll be mixed in with the others and become just a coin.
A. Which it is.

Leo pe 24 iunie 2011 14:38
Nobody panics when all the things go acording to the plan... even if the plan is horryfing.
- Heath Ledger- The Joker- The dark knight. si "one condition : i drive my own car " Jason statham - Transporter 3

cercelaru pe 24 iunie 2011 14:49
O replica misto din seria james bond: My names Bond James Bond
Alina_Maria pe 24 iunie 2011 15:10
Scarlett O'Hara: ,,Tomorrow is another day!" (Pe aripile vantului)
Richard pe 24 iunie 2011 15:10
Al Pacino cu inegalabilulu, disperatul strigat ... "I'm in the dark here!" ...
justinkido pe 24 iunie 2011 15:10
La replica lui Heath Ledger din "The dark knight" m-am gandit si eu. "Why so serious?"
kalamity90 pe 24 iunie 2011 15:34
why so serious?clar cea mai epica dintre toate :)
legolas05 pe 24 iunie 2011 15:35
My precious ii foarte tare
andreidascalu pe 24 iunie 2011 15:42
Crist11 pe 24 iunie 2011 13:12
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Thrones si Titanic.

e Two Towers toata ziua si nu two thrones poate te gandeai la Printul din persia :P...

in alta ordine de idei..replicile sunt destul de bune..

Macrinus pe 24 iunie 2011 15:43
Casablanca,1942: "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" si "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine!?!"
Astea sunt replici!

Sergiu pe 24 iunie 2011 15:58
These go to eleven.
Ana pe 24 iunie 2011 16:09
cum poti sa uiti de "say hello to my little friend" ????
hohota pe 24 iunie 2011 16:13
you're fu***ng with me...you're fu***ng with the best-scarface
"It's alive! It's alive!"-Frankenstein

euu pe 24 iunie 2011 16:21
run forest, run
razvan pe 24 iunie 2011 16:48
Sunt multe. Aliens Sigurney " Get away from her, YOU BITCH!!!
zeno.marin pe 24 iunie 2011 16:52
Oh crap! How messy of me! Am I shallow or what?...
M-am citit cu atentie totul. Erau replici inca in garantie, extrase din filmele (relativ) noi.
My bad! Soooorry! Ei bine, aparent era mai bine daca se intindea un pic selectia pe o durata mai mare de 20 de ani. Sau si mai bine, daa acesti ultimi 20 de ani erau ignorati cu totul. In felul asta aveam la dispozitie citate cu adevarat relevante.
Acum serios: inca odata, scuze Stefan, avand in vedere ca sunt citate din filmele ultimilor 20 de ani, era intr-adevar greu de facut o selectie...

Scorpya-Forever pe 24 iunie 2011 17:24
Din tot topul doar 3 cred eu ca isi merita locul.
Restul replicilor memorabile au fost scrise de ci care au comentat inaintea mea.

alinutzu24 pe 24 iunie 2011 17:48
pai si"say hello to my little friend" a lu Al Pacino din Scarface unde e :-S
legiune pe 24 iunie 2011 17:57
O replica celebra dintr-un film romanesc foarte serios produs de Sergiu Nicolaescu si spusa intr-un moment tensionat :
"mă duc să mă piș"
Ps: i will be back

FlorinMovieFreak pe 24 iunie 2011 18:16
I'm too old for this shit .. Lethal Weapon ..
Gebeleizis pe 24 iunie 2011 18:19
Un top foarte slab. Nici o replica din "The Godfather" sau "Raging Bull" ????
Nu inteleg ce cauta "precious" din Lord of The Rings aici.

costy94 pe 24 iunie 2011 18:47
mie mi se pare ca cea mai tare replica ii 'Yupi Ka Yey Motherfucker' din seria greu de ucis
csd pe 24 iunie 2011 19:02
Din Casablanca (1942) - "Louis i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"
Twiblack pe 24 iunie 2011 19:29
Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time
manes pe 24 iunie 2011 19:29
Din Fight Club(1999)-Tyler Durden(Brad Pitt) si din punctul meu de vedere cel mai bun rol al lui
The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.

The second rule of Fight Club is, you DO NOT talk about Fight Club. ...

Mastragaci pe 24 iunie 2011 19:32
I'm the king of the world - muhammad ali , titanic mai incoace. "I am the king of the world, i shok up the world, you must listen to me: I am the greatest"
Lalolica pe 24 iunie 2011 19:45
They may take our lives But they never take our freedom!!!!....una dintre cele mai buna replici din ultimi 20 de ani !!!!!....BRAVEHEART - Mell Gibson!!
kurt4991 pe 24 iunie 2011 20:14
Cred ca vreo 98% din cei care au comentat nici nu au citit articolul. Eu cred ca trebuia prezentata lista si specificat mare "bolduit" ca nu autorul articolului a alcatuit lista. In fine, multi "cinefili" pe aici.
alex pe 24 iunie 2011 20:25
"tomorrow is another day" - Pe aripile vantului
Adrian pe 24 iunie 2011 20:45
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn", Pe aripile vantului, replica a castigat locul 1 intr-un top al institutului american de film in 2005
Nightprowler pe 24 iunie 2011 20:55
Dar de Darth Vader ati uitat?
fgs sjsj pe 24 iunie 2011 21:07
Banuiesc ca lipseste si replica lui Joker, care cel mai probabil deja a devenit un clasic.
"Why so serious?"

hafdsj pe 24 iunie 2011 21:09
"I wanna get chocolate wasted"
Dr. Lecter's Münchausen ill pa pe 24 iunie 2011 21:22
"Un funcţionar de la recensământ a venit să mă intervieveze. I-am mâncat ficatul cu fasole fava şi un Chianti excelent"-Hannibal Lecter M.D. & Ph.D.

Dr. Lecter este cu adevarat nebun!Niciun om normal la cap nu mananca fasole fava in timp ce bea Chianti!!!

Vorador pe 24 iunie 2011 21:30
"My precious..." sau, dacă preferi, "My prrreciousssssssss..."
Foarte tare,numai pot de ras.

Vorador pe 24 iunie 2011 21:36
Cateva replici care au fost omise:
“…Bond. James Bond.”
“May the Force be with you.”-Star Wars
“I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.”-Godfather
“You talkin’ to me? Well, who the hell else are you talkin’ to? Well, I’m the only one here. Who the f–k do you think you’re talkin’ to?”-Taxi Driver
“You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya punk?”-Dirty Harry
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go home and have a heart attack.“-Pulp fiction
“First rule of Fight Club, you do not talk about Flight Club.''
“Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”-Casablanca
“I’m too old for this shit.” -Lethal Weapon
“Run Forrest Run!”-Forrest Gump

ionel pe 24 iunie 2011 21:49
,Cel mai tare truc nascocit vreodata de catre Diavol a fost sa convinga lumea ca nu exista, din filmul Suspecti de serviciu
xerses pe 24 iunie 2011 22:15
Pentru mine, memorabile au ramas:Show me the money! si I will be back.
Just.A.Smile pe 24 iunie 2011 22:18
nu stiu din ce filme(si sincer nici nu stiu daca sunt din filme) dar ce ziceti de urmatoarele replici:"capiși?""nimeni nu e lasat in urma""scapa cine poate"
MsTasty pe 24 iunie 2011 22:57
You said it: wildinthecountry
billylee pe 24 iunie 2011 23:17
Tot cea mai tare ramane: "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" Robert Duvall in Apocalypse Now.
elena.roteanu pe 24 iunie 2011 23:25
Ati uitat si de "Say hello to my little friend!" din Scarface! :)
Kun pe 25 iunie 2011 00:27
A facut ravagii articolul asta :D
dp75 pe 25 iunie 2011 00:38
Hellow...Peter Falk (Columbo) a decedat de cateva ore bune,iar pe site nu vad decat topuri...ne doare-n paispe de valori ...
Ogip pe 25 iunie 2011 00:48
Am vazut multe replici tari din filme postate, dar trebuie sa mentionez si eu una ce mi-a placut foarte mult:
"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"- Jack Nicholson- Batman 1989

mikey pe 25 iunie 2011 00:49
voi chiar nu ati vazut The Troy?!?
voi scrie aici doar cateva din replicile care sunt dupa parerea mea printre cele mai bune din istoria cinematografiei
Menelaus: Prince? What prince? What son of a king would accept a man's hospitality, eat his food, drink his wine, embrace him in friendship, and then steal his wife in the middle of the night?
Paris: The sun was shining when your wife left you.

Hector: You want me to look upon your army and tremble? Well I see them. I see 50,000 men brought here to fight for one man's greed

Agamemnon: Peace is for the women, and the weak. Empires are forged by war.

Agamemnon: Achilles? He can't be controlled. He's as likely to fight us as the Trojans.
Nestor: We don't need to control him, we need to unleash him. That man was born to end lives.
Agamemnon: Yes, he's a gifted killer. But he threatens everything I've built. Before me, Greece was nothing. I brought all the Greek kingdoms together. I created a nation out of fire worshippers and snake eaters! I build the future Nestor, Me! achilles is the past. A man who fights for no flag. A man loyal to no country.
Nestor: How many battles have we won off the edge of his sword? This will be the greatest war the world has ever seen. We need the greatest warrior.
Hector: Fight me!
Achilles: Why kill you now, Prince of Troy, with no-one here to see you fall?

Achilles: [to Hector's corpse] We will meet again, my brother.

Priam: [to Achilles] I knew your father. He died well before his time. But he was fortunate enough to not have lived long enough to see his son fall.

Hector: You say you're willing to die for love but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love!

Hector: I've seen this moment in my dreams. I'll make a pact with you. With the gods as our witnesses, let us pledge that the winner will allow the loser all the proper funeral rituals.
Achilles: There are no pacts between lions and men.
[stabs spear into ground, and takes off helmet, throwing it to the side]
Achilles [takes off helmet and throws it aside]:Now you know who you're fighting.
Hector: I thought it was you I was fighting yesterday. And I wish it had been, but I gave the dead boy the honor he deserved.
Achilles: You gave him the honor of your sword. You won't have eyes tonight; you won't have ears or a tongue. You will wander the underworld blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead will know: This is Hector. The fool who thought he killed Achilles.

Achilles: You gave me peace in a lifetime of war.

Odysseus: [to Achilles] War is young men dying and old men talking. You know this. Ignore the politics.

Achilles: I'll tell you a secret. Something they don't teach you in your temple. The Gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.
Briseis: I thought you were a dumb brute. It would have been easier to forgive a dumb brute!

Achilles: Of all the kings of Greece, I respect you most. But in this war you're a servant. And I refuse to be a servant any longer.
Odysseus: Sometimes you need to serve in order to lead. I hope you understand that one day.

Odysseus:[the voiceover]. If they ever tell my story let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat but these names will never die. Let them say I lived in a time of Hector,tamer of horses. Let them say....I lived in a time of Achilles.

Micu pe 25 iunie 2011 01:15
Cred ca ar fi si replica lui Al Pacino din The Godfather 2 dupa ce isi saruta fratele si ii spune "I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart"
Una dintre cele mai epice replici!

tonka91 pe 25 iunie 2011 02:10
Al Pacino,Scarface:You wanna fuck with me? You fucking with the best!
cea mai tare replicaa..
Al Pacino e nr 1

Sorin87 pe 25 iunie 2011 09:42
mie imi place replica din Forest Gump "Mama spunea mereu că viaţa e ca o cutie cu bomboane de ciocolată. Nu ştii niciodată ce surpriză te aşteaptă"
Gebeleizis pe 25 iunie 2011 10:01
Run, Forrest, Run!
Gebeleizis pe 25 iunie 2011 10:02
First get the money, then get the bitches! - Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in Scarface.
dorianjazz pe 25 iunie 2011 10:31
astea sunt doar cateva.....sunt o mie si mai populare mentionate de useri mai susu asa ca mai e de lucru la articole ;)
Geaxon pe 25 iunie 2011 10:42
excelent articol,good job cinemagia! si cred ca cea mai proasta replica este a lui Base(aia care o tot are el in cap dar nu o poate zice cu voce tare) "I'm the king of Romania" ,asta crede el...... :)) (poate ca am deviat putin de la filme ,sorry). Si sa va zic si eu o replica dintr-un film cunoscut : “You talkin’ to me? Well, who the hell else are you talkin’ to? Well, I’m the only one here. Who the f–k do you think you’re talkin’ to?” - Robert de Niro ,Taxi Driver (1976)
CEZAR pe 25 iunie 2011 13:16
"Sunt tatal tau LUK" tot star wars sunt multe astfel de replici iti trebuie un to 100 dac nu mai mult
ModeuS pe 25 iunie 2011 14:21
"My precious" si "I see dead people" insa e foarte greu sa alegi....alta replica care imi place "My name is Bond,James Bond".
LiaPapadia pe 25 iunie 2011 15:33
din titanic e mai faina: "you jump, i jump, jack"
si mai lipseste "made it, ma! top of the world!" (white heat)

felixa pe 25 iunie 2011 15:35
Inchisoarea ingerilor? Red? Get busy livin' or get busy dying...
chloeiam pe 25 iunie 2011 18:46
Forrest Gump's saying: "Shit happens".

Ciaky pe 25 iunie 2011 19:39
Cea mai tare replica e: Du-te Dica,du-te...:)
jakarta pe 19 octombrie 2012 20:49
BalanFlorin pe 25 iunie 2011 20:54
Deci dupa parerea mea , actorul cel mai enumerat Tom Hanks si cele 3 replici "La revedere draga " , "Pretiosul meu" , "Houst avem o problema" , sunt locul 1 respectiv top 3.
ren22 pe 25 iunie 2011 22:16
Fiti seriosi!Unde e: "The name is Bond.James Bond. Hello!
Marik72 pe 25 iunie 2011 22:17
Ce spuneti de cele mai celebre replici din filmele romanesti ? Dau eu startul cu "Un fleac... M-au ciuruit..." - Sergiu Nicolaescu
misu pe 25 iunie 2011 23:09
I know I'm not as smart as you guys at all this computer shit. But, hey... I'm still alive, ain't I? I mean, you've GOT to be running out of bad guys by now, right? Huh? Gabriel? Honestly, you can tell me. I mean, how does that work? Got some kind of service or something? Some kind of 800 number? 1-800-HENCHMEN? Oh, you know what? I bet you're still on hold with, "Can I get another dead Asian hooker bitch over here right away?"
Kalrak pe 26 iunie 2011 00:22
i'll be back
mary pe 26 iunie 2011 02:30
why are you trying so hard to fit in when you are born to stand out - what a girl wants
tpni pe 26 iunie 2011 12:50
ai uitat de replica:"I am your father,come and join the dark side"
ova pe 26 iunie 2011 13:48
Probabil o replica ar mai fi si cea spusa de JR Ewing in Dallas "Never say never", Comisarul Moldovan (Sergiu Nicolaescu) "M-au ciuruit ... " si Espinosa (e un actor german care a jucat rolul) in Caracatita " Coruptia e motorul democratiei" .
Dar Hasta la vista, baby cred ca e cea mai cunoscuta !!!! :D

mada pe 26 iunie 2011 15:12
b.d. opt, opt si ceva!! :))
crushed.misty pe 26 iunie 2011 17:51
"You're a woman. Manipulate him. That's what we do."
(desperate housewives)

cj_maria88 pe 26 iunie 2011 19:13
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: " I`m Captan Jack Sparrow. ... Savvy? "
2.The Godfather - "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."
3.The Terminator - "I'll be back."
4.Frankenstein - "It's alive! It's alive!"
5.Titanic - "I'm the king of the world!"
6.Taxi Driver - "You talking to me ?"

CODRIN123 pe 26 iunie 2011 19:34
dupa parerea mea ai uitat 2 replici ce trebuau neaparat puse in articol
1.,,I am your father" din Star Wars
2.,,My name is Bonds,James Bond"

CODRIN123 pe 26 iunie 2011 19:35
Calin pe 26 iunie 2011 22:09
Sa nu uitam de replica din ''Con Air" ....Cy-o-nara...cand Cyrus the damn Virus il arunca in aer pe traficantul care ii pacalise cu avionul :)
catalin pe 26 iunie 2011 22:33
ati uitat de scarface ,,say hello to my little friend
alex_il_fenomeno pe 27 iunie 2011 12:10
"Hasta la Vista , Baby" ! mai era "I will be back" !
radu4lex pe 27 iunie 2011 22:10
“At my signal, unleash hell.” – Russell Crowe, Gladiator
WipeOut pe 28 iunie 2011 01:09
Hasta la vista , baby si im the king of the world................dar sunt altele mult mai tari(cum ar fi din godfather :D)
so1uffle2 pe 28 iunie 2011 13:04
''A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. ''

"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."

DiCaprio21 pe 28 iunie 2011 19:51
mie mi-a placut mult replica din filmul forrest gump cand a spus tom hanks : Mama spunea mereu că viaţa e ca o cutie cu bomboane de ciocolată. Nu ştii niciodată ce surpriză te aşteaptă " . super filmul
ren22 pe 6 iulie 2011 17:52
i'm Bond,James Bond,May the force be with you dar si I'm flaying,Jack! este foarte celebra~!
eenie.meenie pe 17 iulie 2011 21:33
cel din Forest Grump, Jerry Maguire, Terminator 2: Judgement Day si sa nu uitam de I will be back, care apare prin aproape filmele de groaza.
ZEF pe 20 februarie 2012 18:23
cred ca cea mai buna replica si care se poate interpreta in multe feluri e cea a lui Joker (the dark knight): Why so serious?
crilove8 pe 5 mai 2012 16:52
Myy prrrrrreciiiiiioouuuuusssssssssssssssssss!
Tyybi1 pe 24 august 2012 15:04
Cele mai tari replici sunt din Terminator si LOTR.

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